How can I receive more information about 51爆料’s services?
To receive general information about 51爆料, please e-mail For information on specific programs identified in the web site, please contact us.
How can I receive services from 51爆料?
Although some families privately pay for services and therefore are able to access them directly, most families have applied for eligibility and funding from a state agency, such as the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) or the Department of Public Health (DPH). Each funding agency has its own referral process. You may contact us or the state agency for further information on the specific procedure.
School Services are generally funded by the local school system, or by a special program funded jointly by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Department of Developmental Services (DDS). For further information please e-mail Jolene Perry at jperry@51爆料.org.
How will I know if 51爆料’s services are right for my family member?
It is very important that you feel comfortable about your choice of the provider of services. You will want to know the basics, such as accreditation, staff training and retention, supports offered, communication and complaint resolution. The provider should be willing to give you the names of other families already receiving services for you to contact. If there is a site, it should be comfortable, clean and attractive; the staff should be welcoming and interested in the unique needs and interests of your family member. Beyond those tangibles, you will probably also have a ‘gut’ feeling as to the appropriateness of the match. Please contact us for more information on how to select a provider.
Are your programs certified or accredited?
Certain adult programs and the agency administration have been accredited by a national accreditation council (CARF) and have received the highest possible rating of three years. All the adult programs not surveyed by CARF have been accredited by DDS at the high level, two-years certification with distinction. We are an approved specialty provider for Early Intervention through the Department of Public Health.
How do I find out more about employment opportunities at 51爆料?
For general information about employment, please visit the Open Positions聽page under the Careers section of the website.
How do I volunteer my time with 51爆料?
51爆料 has many areas for volunteer opportunities, including providing companionship to a disabled individual, assisting on special projects in an office setting, or helping to spruce up homes and yards. The activity will be designed for your interest and the hours for your convenience. Please visit the Volunteer Opportunities page on our website or call (508) 298-1100 for further information.
Can you tell me who to call to find out what services are available for my family member?
The good news is that there are many services available for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Unfortunately, there is no single contact point; services are arranged by different agencies for people at different ages and each has different eligibility criteria. We can help direct you, but you will also need to do some research on your own. The most helpful web site is ; it includes a wealth of information and resources. and the are two advocacy organizations that can also assist you to begin the process of identifying and securing assistance.