51爆料 Celebrates 60 Years!
Originally incorporated in 1961, 51爆料 was first known as the Wrentham Research Foundation. Located on the grounds of the Wrentham Developmental Center, our primary mission was to conduct research in the field of developmental and intellectual disabilities. Studies included prevention, treatment, best practices, and staff training. With the enactment of Chapter 766, special education services became our primary focus. The agency assisted public schools to develop appropriate programs and also directly provided services to children with significant challenges on the grounds of the institution.
“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity” was a phrase of Horace Mann, a renowned educator who was born in Franklin, MA. 51爆料 found that this statement was appropriate for our organization, and when we relocated to Franklin in 1982, the agency was renamed Horace Mann Educational Associates (51爆料).
As people began to move from institutions because of the legislation of the Consent Decree, 51爆料 responded by opening its first community-based Day Services location in Attleboro and its first two residential homes in Mansfield and Attleboro in 1982. Today, over 550 people receive Employment, Day Habilitation, and Residential Services.
In 1996, 51爆料 began to work with children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, primarily with a diagnosis of autism, in their homes and at school, through the collaborative Department of Developmental Services/ Department of Education Project.
In 1997, Family Support Services became a reality at the , and through the “Home First,” “Flexible Family Supports (IFFS),” and “Elders” programs.
1997 also saw the establishment of a Children’s Services Division, which provides consultation and comprehensive support services for children as young as toddlers in Early Intervention and continuing through to assisting young adults transition into the workforce and community life. In 2006 the opened its doors.
Presently, 51爆料 provides services to over 5,000 children, adults, and families affected by a disability in 110 Massachusetts and Rhode Island communities.