51±¬ÁÏ’S Employment Services provides adults with autism and other developmental disabilities the opportunity to explore career opportunities, learn new skills, and find employment. We offer a wide range of programs including vocational skills assessment, career planning, resume development, soft skill training, job identification, placement, and on-site job coaching.
Get to know some of the individuals we support – more stories coming soon!

Click the arrow to listen to WMRC Radio share Lisa’s story of finding a job where she excels.
Meet Our Employment Partners

51±¬ÁÏ’s Employment Programs generally serve adults 18 years of age and older who live within the commuting distance of the following locations:
Franklin Employment
OPEN Monday-Friday 9 am – 3:00 pm
750 Union Street
Franklin MA 02038
Millbury Employment
OPEN Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 2:30 pm
6 Latti Farm Road
Millbury MA 01527
Plainville Employment/Redemption Center
OPEN Monday-Friday 9 am – 3:00 pm
1 George Street
Plainville MA 02762
Sterling Employment
OPEN Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 2:30 pm
3 Bartlet’s Pond Way
P.O. Box 533
Sterling, MA 01564
For more information, please contact Stephanie Guitard, VP of Employment and Family Services, at sguitard@hmea.org.
51±¬ÁÏ’s Employment Services are generally funded by DDS, DMH, MRC, or MCB.